Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Ok. Background. (In Melbourne) I stay in this apartment which is at a very "strategic" place. It is just right opposite the market. So in the mornings when market is opened, I can usually hear alot of people walking around and chatting. Fine. That's in the morning. There's also trams and cars since it's quite a busy junction.

At night during the weekends, there will be some people who are drunk walking past my place and making a bit of noise. Fair enough. It's the weekends. And to be honest it's quite funny if you actually try to listen what they are trying to say. There's this occasional weekday-tipsy people as well. But it's all good.

HOWEVER, I do not understand this. The tram lines RIGHT in front of my apartment FOR SOME REASON need extra repairing. I do not know why is it that this particular piece of track needs to be constantly taken care of. The previous place I was staying had a tram track right in front of it as well. But I don't recall it EVER needing to be repaired/maintained.

They have to drill, cut, dig, whatever. NOISY. Very. Worse when you actually have a headache. The sound of the jackhammer does not help with headaches.

Guess what's the best part of it all. Yup. They have to do it at freaking midnight when there's no more tram service. Now I know why I have trouble sleeping at night.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I am getting old

I swear I thought of something awesome that I thought I could blog about sometime when I felt like blogging again yesterday. It was just yesterday.

But now its today and I don't remember. I'm like getting old. I even found....wait for it wait for it.... 3 white/grey hairs a couple months back. I was thinking that life and stress (ha ha) has finally got the better of me. But then my friend suggested this: Have you ever thought that you were actually getting older? Yeah.

On another note, people who give others shit must be able to take shit back. If not don't give people shit. Screw you shit givers who can't take shit. Yeah screw you.

Now I think I might have an idea of what I was thinking yesterday. But whatever.